Workout #1
A) 2x
- 300 m row
- arm circles 30 ea way
- bodyweight squats 20
B) 4x
- seated row machine 10 (black arsenal machine, 15-20 lbs on ea side)
- lateral raise machine 10 (10 lbs)
C) 3x
- step back lunges 10 ea (modification- TRX step back lunge)
- floor dumbbell overhead press 10 (seated on the ground with legs out straight)
D) 3x
- bike 10 calories
- bosu ball glute bridge 15 (pink half ball)
- in/outs 15
Workout #2
A) 2x
- 300 m row
- arm circles 30 ea way
- bodyweight squats 20
B) 4x
- SL hip thrust 15 ea
- TRX row 15
C) 3x
- sled push - down & back
- goblet squats 12 (modification- box squats)
D) 3x
- standing ball slams
- curtsy lunge 20t (modification- TRX curtsy lunge)
- hip flexor box sit ups 10 ea
Workout #3
A) 2x
- 300 m row
- arm circles 30 ea way
- bodyweight squats 20
B) 3x
- bent over row 12
- ski 200m
- wall sit 30s
C) 4x
- bike 10 calories
- hollow body hold 30-60s
- Single leg single arm Overhead press 8 ea arm
D) 1x TABATA: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest
- plank
- rower